Board Talk – February 2024

By Teresa Mayhew Hess

HAIL AND FAREWELL! “Hail and Farewell” is an expression that tracks back to ancient Rome and is used by many groups, especially the military, to welcome newcomers to the organization and to recognize those that are retiring or otherwise departing. It is an opportunity for an organization to reflect on its mission and to celebrate continuity. As we step into 2024, we welcome to the Hill 2000 Board Vince LoRusso. If you read the article in the January issue, you may remember he is a third-generation Italian descendant and resident of The Hill, a graduate of St. Ambrose Grade School and Southwest High School, currently serving as a co-block captain and involved in a number of other Hill community affairs. Hill 2000 is grateful to Vince for stepping forward to serve.

We also take this moment to recognize the contributions of Jim Barnthouse, who served on the Board for six years, including two years as Vice President and one as President. His dedication, creativity, knowledge, time, and effort will be greatly missed. Fortunately for those of us still on the Board, the “farewell” is honorary, rather than actual, for we know where he lives and works, and we will be reaching out from time to time to pick his very considerable brain about how something was handled in the past and what worked best.

A primary goal for the Board in 2023 was to “get digital”; getting more information accessible for Board members to share and more information available to our members and the public through the website – We also formalized roles and responsibilities into committees. For 2024, we will continue those efforts and expand to add modernization to our processes.

As a final note, the Board has a new slate of officers; or, one new, one continuing in the same position, and two taking on new roles. The entire Board welcomes your involvement in its activities. Join us!